Posted tagged ‘Upward Spiral’

No fiscal plan = no campaign donations

September 6, 2011

“We today pledge to withhold any further campaign contributions to the President and all members of Congress until a fair, bipartisan deal is reached that sets our nation on stronger long-term fiscal footing,” Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz proclaimed in an open Letter to America on August 15, 2011.

He goes a step further, writing “The only way to get the country’s economic circulatory system flowing again is to start pumping lifeblood through it. That is why we today issue a second pledge. Our companies are going to hire. We are going to accelerate growth, employment, and investment in jobs.”

Schultz’s goal is “to set in motion an upward spiral of confidence.” It isn’t about going shopping or spending money – it’s about refusing to donate money to our elected representatives until they do their jobs, and refusing to wait for a government solution.

The best part of the Upward Spiral movement is that we can start at home. We can withhold political campaign contributions and decline to attend political fundraisers until Hawaii’s fiscal plan meets our core needs – without raising taxes. Our closed pocketbooks can speak as loudly as opinion polls.

To read the full letter and make your own pledge, visit or